Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Certification programs


The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) promotes and certifies habitat conservation and management on corporate lands through partnerships and education.

Data Layer Description


Wildlife Habitat Council

What this data layer represents

This dataset illustrates programs that hold Conservation Certification. Each program represents a site-based collection of efforts to enhance or manage wildlife and wildlife habitat or to educate about these topics.


At WHC, we believe that every act of conservation matters. Whether it’s a small pollinator garden or a complex wetlands restoration, each and every conservation action contributes to the collective positive outcome for the environment.
WHC’s certification program, Conservation Certification®, provides third-party credibility and an objective evaluation to help companies demonstrate a voluntary long-term commitment to managing quality habitat for wildlife, conservation education and community outreach initiatives.
This dataset illustrates programs that hold Conservation Certification. Each program represents a site-based collection of efforts to enhance or manage wildlife and wildlife habitat or to educate about these topics.

How to get more information

Email whc@wildlifehc.org or call 301.588.8994 for more information.


Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Certification

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